On the whole, the absolute scale of public finance of education is gradually increasing, but the relative scale is shrinking. 总体来看,教育财政绝对规模是逐步扩大的,但相对规模却在萎缩。
Both Australia and Canada are regarded as good model countries of having large scale of foreign students for a relative medium scale of higher education system. 澳、加两国高等教育规模不是很大,但在留学生教育上不仅规模大,而且常被誉为典范。
Other sovereign funds are smaller than the bigger pension funds, and the total assets even of the big six are marginal relative to the scale of privately controlled investments. 其它主权财富基金的规模都小于较为庞大的养老金,而即便是这六大主权财富基金的资产总和,与私人控制的投资规模相比也相形见绌。
In psychological centrality relative change scale, the acceptance stage patients realize that nothing is so important except "health status" and "supports from, family". 在心理权重性方面,接受组患者体认到失能后大部份自我向度都变得不再那麽重要,唯有「健康状况」与「家人之态度」才是最重要的。
I don't need gravity to have a relative scale of masses so I can determine the relative scale of these masses without ever using the force. 无需运用重力来确定物体质量相对值,就算在没有重力条件下,我们也能确定质量相对值。
But the amounts they need are very small relative to the current scale of financial activity. 不过相对于当前金融活动的规模,它们所需的资金规模很小。
The chang of population proportion ( in a relative scale) is one of important elements to influence the relation of Zhuang and Han nationalities. 历史上汉壮人口比例(相对规模)的变化是影响广西汉壮民族关系的重要因素之一。
But the decline of relative scale of the fiscal expenditure on supporting agriculture ( FESA), its structural deviation and the defect of its management system have been already hindering the further agricultural growth in China to a certain extent. 但是,财政支农支出相对规模的下降态势、财政支农支出结构的偏差及财政支农支出管理体制方面存在的缺陷,已在一定程度上阻碍着中国农业的进一步增长。
We find that the absolute and relative scale of the bubble of China's stock market have dropped sharply in the previous three and half years. 计算表明,与2001年6月份股市高峰期相比,2004年底中国股市泡沫的绝对规模和相对规模都已大幅度下降。
Since the user information sequences obtained from pretreater have been global optimization, we can reject them from original multiuser detector and then a relative small scale multiuser detector can be obtained. 因为由预处理得到的用户的信息码已经是全局最优的,所以我们就可以将其从原多用户检测问题中剔除,进而得到一个相对小规模的多用户检测问题。
Factors Quantification of Human Capital Investment Based on Relative Scale 基于相对标度的人力资本的投资因子量化分析
Moreover, the relative scale of some new industries is somewhat small. With relatively week competitiveness in the market both at home and abroad, they are now still inferior to traditional industries while the specialized level is considered. 与此同时,部分新兴产业目前相对规模较小,在国内外市场上的竞争力相对较弱,专业化水平也逊于传统产业。
In the model, weights of factors of the investment are got by relative scale. 基于相对标度法求出投资模型中各投资因子的权重值。
The critical time span of the climatic atmosphere and ocean, which is related to the spatial resolution required, the strength of nonlinear action, and the calculation exactness, may represent the relative temporal scale of predictability. 与预报的空间分辩率及系统的非线性强度相联系,气候大气和海洋的临界时间跨度可反映系统可预报的相对时间尺度。
Measurement packets occupy only 2 kb/ s of bandwidth on each link, which is not significant relative to the scale of network. 测量分组在每条链路上仅占用2kb/s的带宽,且和网络规模无关。
This paper reveals that the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises is not only affected by the relative small scale when comparing with big enterprises but also is hampered by regional disadvantage because imbalanced regional financial development. 结合先前的研究,本文认为中小企业融资除了受相对于大企业而言的规模劣势外影响外,还受由于区域经济金融发展不平衡而产生的区位劣势的制约。
The author first defines two indexes of investment scale measurement: absolute scale and relative scale. 首先界定了衡量地方政府公共投资规模的两个指标,即绝对规模和相对规模,接着分析了影响地方政府公共投资规模的若干因素;继而对地方政府公共投资的规模进行了实证分析。
Immunohistochemistry, masculine cell counting and the measurement of relative average gray scale value were used to detect the expression of PV in the prefrontal cortex. 用免疫组化方法、阳性细胞计数和相对平均灰度值检测了前额皮质中PV的表达情况。
The relative scale parameter p was highly correlated with stand age and quadratic mean diameter at breast height ( DBH); 参数p与林分年龄、平方平均直径呈紧密的正相关性,为分布的相对尺度参数;
To solve the problem, two processing methods of qualitative indies are presented, relative importance scale of quantitative indices is also defined, and a method based on the scale is given. 针对这种情况,给出定性指标两种处理方法,定义基于定量指标的相对重要性标度,提出基于该标度构造判断矩阵的评价方法。
Study of Establish the Relative Spectral Responsivity Scale of the Cavity Pyroelectric Detector 建立腔体热释电探测器相对光谱响应度标尺的研究
The financial structure refers to the distribution, existence, relative scale, interrelation and fitting state of various components that constitute it as a whole, which reflects the functionality and efficiency of the financial sector. 金融结构是指构成金融总体的各个组成部分的分布、存在、相对规模、相互关系与配合的状态,它反映了金融业的功能和效率。
This paper proposed one kind of logistics tracking system model based on the RFID technology, with realizes the relative small scale ( in an enterprise or during several enterprises) supply chain goods management. 本篇论文提出一种基于网络的RFID物流跟踪系统模型,用以实现相对小规模(一个企业内或几个企业间)的供应链物品管理。
Fifthly, the paper carries on the research of the applicability between WRTS capacity and its external environment with Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA), and evaluates the results from aspects like relative effectiveness, scale efficiency, and so on. 第五,以WG铁路系统为例,运用数据包络分析法对其运输能力与外部环境的适应性进行研究,并从相对有效性、规模收益等方面进行评价。
And three-capital enterprise absolute scale enlargement will bring the positive environmental effects, but relative scale enlargement will bring negative environmental effects. 而且三资企业绝对规模的扩大会产生正面的环境效应,但相对规模的扩大会产生负面的环境效应。
In the above-scale industrial enterprise, because of the concentricity of the pollution emission, the relative simplicity of pollutant and the relative large scale of the management, the end-of-pipe control method in he most situations is suitable or even the only one. 城市规模以上工业企业的污染治理由于其污染排放的集中性、污染物相对的单一性和企业经营相对的大规模等特点,末端治理方法在多数情况下是适用的甚至惟一的。
In the future it will continue to reduce gradually, but if only the water transportation exist, cannot this expansion relative scale be eliminated. 未来会继续逐渐减小,但只要水运交通方式继续存在,该扩展比例就不会为零。
However, the ethnic intermarriage rate is always affected by the relative population scale largely. 但是,族际通婚率高低受民族人口相对规模的影响较大,仅从族际通婚率来判断族际通婚偏好是不科学的。
In this chapter, the author has discussed on the issues relative to the scale, and at the same time, makes a review of relevant literature. 这章对与编制中学生学习动机缺失量表有关的理论问题进行一一探讨,同时也是对与所讨论问题相关的文献作出综述。
Additionally, CF was also detected from the transmittance spectrum and the relative scale was approximately close with that of the reflectance. 透射光中也包含叶绿素荧光,检测剑的荧光相对比例大致与反射光荧光相近。